
Excel Urology Clinic

Gariahat, Kol-700029

Clinic Time

Mon, Wed , Fri ( 10 AM to 1 PM )
   , Tue, Thu (6:30 PM to 8 PM)


Prostatic Abscess: Diagnosis and Management in the Modern Antibiotic Era

Saudi J Kidney DisTranspl 2011; 22(2): 298-301

Leydig Cell Tumour with Mediastinal and Lung Metastasis. Letter to the Editor

Saudi J Kidney DisTranspl 2011; 22(2): 354-356

Wunderlich's syndrome with hepatic angiomyolipoma in tuberous sclerosis

Indian J Cancer 2008 Apr-Jun; 45(2): 64-6

Persistent atypical varicella in two renal transplant patients and its relation to mycophenolic acid

Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2008 Nov-Dec; 74(6):666-8.

Plasmacytoma of the Kidney - A Case Report

Saudi J Kidney DisTranspl 2010; 21(5): 931-934

Laparoscopic ureteroneocystostomy for management of lower uretric stricture.

Urology Annals 2009; 1(2): 47-51

Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis in a Horse-Shoe Kidney.

Saudi J Kidney DisTranspl 2010; 21(3): 515-517

Safety and efficacy of endoincision of orthotopic ureterocele in adult.

Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation.

Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy - A Single Centre Experience

J Min Access Surg. 2010; 6:100-5

Urethral duplication in a 15-year-old: case report with review of the literature.

Rev Urol. 2014;16(3):149-51

Recreating the Size Dependent Re- Absorption Function of Proximal Convoluted Tubule towards Artificial Kidney Applications- Structural analysis and Computational study.

Artificial Organs 2020 (Mar)

Design and analysis of microfluidic kidney-on-chip model: fluid shear stress based study with temperature effect

Microsyst Technol 2018 25, 2553–2560,

A microfluidic renal proximal tubule with active reabsorptive function applications

SN Applied Sciences 2, no. 1 (2020): 39

Mimicking kidney re-absorption using microfluidics by considering hydrostatic pressure inside kidney tubules: structural and analytical study.

Microsystem Technologies (2019): 1-8