
Excel Urology Clinic

Gariahat, Kol-700029

Clinic Time

Mon, Wed , Fri ( 10 AM to 1 PM )
   , Tue, Thu (6:30 PM to 8 PM)


Trainee Doctor in various departments of NRS Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, during Internship

Junior Resident in General Surgery at PGIMER Chandigarh

Senior Resident in Renal Transplant Surgery at PGIMER Chandigarh

Senior Resident at Lions Kidney Hospital and Urology Research Institute, New Delhi

MCh Post Doctoral Trainee(PDT) at Department of Urology and Renal Transplantation at IPGMER & SSKM Hospital, Kolkata

EUREP Fellowship at Prague ,Czech Republic

URO-MET ( Urology Medical Education and Technology) Fellowship on Laparoscopic Surgery at Bangkok, Thailand

Advanced Laparoscopic Urology Course ceMAST, Mumbai, India

International Masterclass on Urinary Incontinence and Neurourology, Pune, India

AUA- Segura International Urolithiasis Course, Nadiad, Gujarat

USI- AUA Instructional Course, Mumbai, India

Andrology Courses, Nadiad, Gujarat